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Hongji agriculture company holds a fire safety training
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     In the afternoon of May 23, 2012, the Party branch, labor unions and Safety and Environmental
department of the Hongji agricultural companies co-organized a fire safety training. in the
company conference room on the fourth floor and all employees of the company participate in
the training.
    The meeting, the company invited Saibei Management District fire chief Comrade Zhang Zhang, on
the necessity and urgency of the Enterprise Fire Safety work, and how to do fire to do more
training, so that employees establish prevention-based, combining anti-consumer "concept.
    Fire safety work, has a direct relationship with the operation and development of the enterprise
and is closely related to every employee in the enterprise. The while personal qualities mastered
certain fire safety knowledge through the training will make the company employees, and effectively
improve the safety awareness of all employees of the company, to enhance workers handling emergency
incidents ability also been further improved.


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ADD:Add: Yushugou, Saibei Management District, Zhangjiakou City, HeBei Province, China.