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Director Sun of the State Agriculture Department visit Hongji agricultural
News source:    Reads:3091    AddTime:2012-11-07 10:55:00    Collects this page

   September 22, the Director Sun of the State Agriculture Department, the leaders of the Provincial Department
of Agriculture and Saibei Bureau of Agriculture, Mr Wang visted hongji agricuture company. Hongji President Zhang
Hai, the vice president Zhao Bingyin, deputy general manager Feng Mingwen received the visitors.

    Director Sun focus on the greenhouse, flake production workshop, warehouse, and have a detailed understanding
about the minitubers and flake production processing. Subsequently, in the conference room,  they carefully
watched the company's promotional video, listened to the reporting by deputy general manager Feng about the
company's development .

    For the four years development, Director Sun gave high praises, and at the same time,post some expects that the
company must have a high sense of social responsibility, do not forget to return to the community while creating
economic value, hope the company develop to a new level, and promote sound and rapid development of the potato
industry in Zhangjiakou city.


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ADD:Add: Yushugou, Saibei Management District, Zhangjiakou City, HeBei Province, China.